Most people, specially the young generation is looking for good online scrabble dictionary.
ALDictionary has made a great online scrabble dictionary for the same. Our website has 264 thousands scrabble words. WE are continuously adding valid new scrabble words in our database.
ALDictionary is very fast and responsive as well. That means
ALDictionary works fine on Tablets, Ipads, iPhones and Android devices. This website is also optimized for best user experience. So, if you play Scrabble, Words with friends, Jumble words, Anagrammer, Wordscraper or any other word game then
ALDictionary is the right choice for you. In other words this website will help you to win or cheat in Scrabble word game, especially if you are stuck for long and need some external help. The following features are available at our scrabble dictionary
One of the largest Scrabble dictionary in the world. It has 263,121 valid scrabble words. |
You can enter upto 12 letters in the search input box. You can use "?" as wildcards. You can use maximum three wildcards. |
Using advanced options you can also specify any prefix and suffix for your target word. It will help you to get more accurate search results. |
Very fast search response. |
Very friendly user interface, 100% liquid design. It will appear as same for Desktop, Android, iPhone and Tablet etc. |
In our Scrabble Dictionary, you can use a phrase to search anywhere in the word. You can use the phrase to match exactly with the word. |
ALDictionary is a complete dictionary solution for Internet users. It provides Scrabble dictionary as well as general academic dictionary services. This page is the scrabble definition page. You are viewing scrabble definition for the word
overspilling. If you want you can see the general definition of word,
overspilling at our main Dictionary.