word of the day

Pronunciation: kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪtɪŋ
Parts of Speech: noun
the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information
Full Definition


English to Tamil Dictionary by ALDictionary, a convenient method of learning Tamil

Tamil is considered to be one of the oldest living language of the world. It is one of the major languages of India as well. The significance of the language runs deeper than it appears to be. Tamil is spoken by the natives of south India. And the only language to be entertained in the regions of south India apart from Tamil is English. Hence, the conversion that should exist between these two languages is very important. And in performing this conversion your biggest guide can be an English to Tamil Dictionary.

While learning a new language, a dictionary can be the most effective help. And the presence of online dictionaries have made it all convenient even. This is exactly why ALDictionary has introduced English to Tamil Dictionary for you. If you are looking forward to learn Tamil from English and vice versa, you can easily take the help of our online English to Tamil Dictionary. With the help of our dictionary you can learn the Tamil meaning of any English word, along with definitions, synonyms, antonyms and examples. By gaining different meanings of a single word and examples of how to use the words in sentences and phrase, you will be able to understand Tamil or English a lot better.

How does ALDictionary’s English to Tamil dictionary help you?

There are various ways in which, ALDictionary helps you in learning either English or Tamil or both. Moreover, ALDictionary makes sure to enhance your user-experience while using ALDictionary’s English to Tamil Dictionary stays unmatched. As a result you are served with an unmatched speed, an easy-to-understand user-interface and a number of wonderful features. And you get all of it for free. ALDictionary provides its uninterrupted high quality service without asking for a penny from the users and that benefits the users quite a lot. Additionally, the high speed of the English to Tamil dictionary saves you time and ensures you learn faster than ever.

How does ALDictionary’s online Tamil Dictionary work?

Using ALDictionary is super easy, even children can use the English to Tamil dictionary without any issue. All you need to do is to search for ALDictionary via your device’s web browser and open the website. You need to change the language panel from English to English to English to Tamil and then type or paste the English word in the search bar and press the search button. The results will be shown within a blink.

Benefits of using ALDictionary’s online English to Tamil dictionary

There are a number of benefits that you can acquire by using our Tamil dictionary. The benefits are listed below:
  • Suggestion of more than one Tamil meaning, which helps you in extending your area of knowledge further.
  • Our free service let you save you expense of buying an English to Tamil paperback.
  • Along with the meanings, ALDictionary shows you the grammatical explanation, synonyms, antonyms and examples of the usage of the word.
  • The pronunciation feature lets you clear out your doubts about the standard pronunciation.
  • You can learn words by different subjects to enhance your knowledge on Tamil vocabulary.
  • Our regular updates make sure that the new trending words are added to the dictionary without a fail.
Hence, do not wait anymore and grab all the benefits that our ALDictionary’s English to Tamil dictionary is offering you. And we believe that after using our dictionary you will term ALDictionary as the best Tamil dictionary.

About ALDictionary

About ALDictionary
An impressive and easy-to-use online dictionary, ALDictionary is for everyone. Whether you are a student, parent, teacher or a scholar looking to learn English, Spanish, Hindi, Bengali or Arabic or just wanting to know the meaning, usage and pronunciation of certain words, turn into our dictionary. Great navigability, easy-to-use features and fun way of learning make ALDictionary a great reference site.
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