word of the day

Pronunciation: dɪˈmɑːnd dɪˈpɒzɪt
Parts of Speech: noun
a bank deposit from which withdrawals can be made without notice
Full Definition


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English is the international language that binds people belonging from different regions and races. It is not important always to be too fluent or advanced in English, however, knowing the words and their meanings is a must for communication. Given to the fact, it is almost impossible for even a native to know the meaning of every single English word. Hence, it is only natural to seek a little help from time to time. English to English dictionaries are the perfect helpers in this matter. Therefore, be it your academic area or your work front, English to English dictionary is a must and online dictionaries are a bit more convenient.

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So, try our ALDictionary and take your time to learn English better or to learn a new language easily. With a very easy navigation and language alteration system, you can change your preferred language with just a click.

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About ALDictionary
An impressive and easy-to-use online dictionary, ALDictionary is for everyone. Whether you are a student, parent, teacher or a scholar looking to learn English, Spanish, Hindi, Bengali or Arabic or just wanting to know the meaning, usage and pronunciation of certain words, turn into our dictionary. Great navigability, easy-to-use features and fun way of learning make ALDictionary a great reference site.
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