
Definition: Meaning of, youth in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / juːθ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
youth youths
  1. [uncountable] the period of time when someone is young, especially the period when someone is a teenager [↪  old age]
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  2. [countable] a teenage boy - used especially in newspapers to show disapproval
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  3. [uncountable] young people in general
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  4. [uncountable] the quality or state of being young
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youth used in phrases

  • Fountain of Youth (noun)
    1. a fountain described in folk tales as able to make people young again
  • Fountain of Youth, the
    1. in old stories, a flow of water which was supposed to make anyone who drank from it stay young for ever
  • Hitler Youth
    1. an organization established by Adolf HITLER in 1933 to train German boys according to the ideas and principles of the NAZI Party
  • Lautaro Youth Movement (noun)
    1. a violent terrorist group organized in the 1980s and advocating the overthrow of the Chilean military government; leaders are mainly criminals or impoverished youths
  • Youth Training
    1. the full name of YT
  • bloom of youth (noun)
    1. the best time of youth
  • youth club (noun)
    1. a meeting place for young people where they can have drinks, play games etc
  • youth crusade (noun)
    1. political or religious or social reform movement or agitation consisting chiefly of young people
  • youth culture (noun)
    1. the interests and activities of young people, especially the music, films etc they enjoy
  • youth gang (noun)
    1. a gang whose members are teenagers
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