
Definition: Meaning of, wreath in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / riːθ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
wreath wreaths
  1. a circle made from leaves or flowers that you put on the place where a person is buried
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  2. a circle of leaves or flowers that people use to decorate their houses at Christmas
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  3. a circle made from leaves that a person wore on their head in the past as a sign of honour
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wreath used in phrases

  • Saint Peter's wreath (noun)
    1. shrub having copious small white flowers in spring
  • bay wreath (noun)
    1. antiquity a wreath of laurel foliage worn on the head as an emblem of victory
  • bridal wreath (noun)
    1. chilean evergreen shrub having delicate spikes of small white flowers
    2. shrub having copious small white flowers in spring
  • laurel wreath (noun)
    1. an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event
    2. antiquity a wreath of laurel foliage worn on the head as an emblem of victory
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