
Definition: Meaning of, wives in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / wʌɪvz /

  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. the plural of WIFE
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wives used in phrases

  • Merry Wives of Windsor, The
    1. a humorous play by William SHAKESPEARE in which the character FALSTAFF appears
  • Stepford Wives, The
    1. (1975) a horror film based on a book by Ira Levin, about a group of married women in a US village whose husbands secretly replace them with ROBOT s . The ROBOTs look exactly like the women, but they are designed to be interested only in cooking, cleaning their houses, and pleasing their husbands in every way. The phrase is sometimes used to describe women who behave in this way.
  • old wives' tale (noun)
    1. a bit of lore passed on by word of mouth
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