
Definition: Meaning of, wintergreen in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈwɪntəɡriːn /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
wintergreen wintergreens
  1. any of several evergreen perennials of the genus Pyrola
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  2. creeping shrub of eastern North America having white bell-shaped flowers followed by spicy red berrylike fruit and shiny aromatic leaves that yield wintergreen oil
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  3. spicy red berrylike fruit; source of wintergreen oil
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wintergreen used in phrases

  • creeping wintergreen (noun)
    1. creeping shrub of eastern North America having white bell-shaped flowers followed by spicy red berrylike fruit and shiny aromatic leaves that yield wintergreen oil
  • false wintergreen (noun)
    1. evergreen of eastern North America with leathery leaves and numerous white flowers
  • flowering wintergreen (noun)
    1. common trailing perennial milkwort of eastern North America having leaves like wintergreen and usually rosy-purple flowers with winged sepals
  • lesser wintergreen (noun)
    1. the common wintergreen having many-flowered racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; Europe and North America
  • oil of wintergreen (noun)
    1. oil or flavouring obtained from the creeping wintergreen or teaberry plant
  • one-flowered wintergreen (noun)
    1. delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola
  • wintergreen family (noun)
    1. evergreen herbs of temperate regions: genera Pyrola, Chimaphila, Moneses, Orthilia
  • wintergreen oil (noun)
    1. oil or flavouring obtained from the creeping wintergreen or teaberry plant
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