
Definition: Meaning of, whip in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / wɪp /

  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
whip whipped whipped
Present Participle Third Person Singular
whipping whips
  1. [transitive] to hit someone or something with a whip
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  2. [intransitive,transitive always + adverb/preposition] to move quickly and violently, or to make something do this
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  3. [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to move or remove something with a quick sudden movement
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  4. [transitive] to mix cream or the clear part of an egg very hard until it becomes stiff [↪  beat, whisk]
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  5. [transitive] British English informal to steal something
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  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
whip whips
  1. [countable] a long thin piece of rope or leather with a handle, that you hit animals with to make them move or that you hit someone with to punish them
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  2. [countable] a member of the US Congress or the British Parliament who is responsible for making sure that the members of their party attend and vote
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  3. [countable] a written order sent to members of the British Parliament telling them when and how to vote
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  4. [uncountable and countable] British English a sweet dish made from the white part of eggs and chocolate or fruit, beaten together to make a smooth light mixture
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  5. have the whip hand to have power and control over someone
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whip used in phrases

  • Chief Whip
    1. the Chief Whip an important member of a British political party whose job is to make sure that members of the party elected to parliament obey party orders
  • Cool Whip
    1. a type of sweet white light food similar to firm cream, sold in the US, which people often put on sweet dishes such as pie or fruit
  • buggy whip (noun)
    1. a horsewhip once used by a driver of a buggy
  • party whip (noun)
    1. a legislator appointed by the party to enforce discipline
  • pistol-whip (verb)
    1. to hit someone many times with a pistol
  • prune whip (noun)
    1. dessert made of prune puree and whipped cream
  • smart as a whip (adjective)
    1. having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence
  • three-line whip (noun)
    1. an order from a leader of a British political party telling MPs in that party that they must vote in a particular way
  • whip hand (noun)
    1. position of advantage and control
  • whip top (noun)
    1. a top that is spun by whipping
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whip used in phrasal verbs

  • whip into (phrasal verb)
    1. whip someone into something to make someone become very excited
    2. whip someone into line to use strict methods to make someone do what you want them to do
  • whip through (phrasal verb)
    1. whip through something to do something very quickly
  • whip up (phrasal verb)
    1. to encourage strong emotions or behaviour in people
    2. informal to prepare something to eat very quickly
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