
Definition: Meaning of, wedding in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈwɛdɪŋ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
wedding weddings
  1. a marriage ceremony, especially one with a religious service
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  2. (hear the sound of) wedding bells spoken used to say that you think it is likely that two people will get married
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wedding used in phrases

  • Wedding March, the
    1. a piece of music that is traditionally played after a marriage ceremony when the BRIDE and GROOM start to walk down the AISLE (= a passage between rows of seats) of the church
  • diamond wedding (noun)
    1. the date that is exactly 60 years after the date when two people were married
  • diamond wedding anniversary (noun)
    1. the 60th wedding anniversary
  • golden wedding (noun)
    1. the date that is exactly 50 years after a wedding [↪  diamond wedding, silver wedding] [=  golden anniversary]
  • golden wedding anniversary (noun)
    1. the 50th wedding anniversary
  • shotgun wedding (noun)
    1. a wedding that has to take place immediately because the woman is going to have a baby
  • silver wedding (noun)
    1. the 25th anniversary of a marriage
  • silver wedding anniversary (noun)
    1. the date that is exactly 25 years after the date of a wedding
  • wedding anniversary (noun)
    1. or the celebration of it the anniversary of the day on which you were married
  • wedding band (noun)
    1. and sometimes one is also given to the groom usually plain gold a ring given to the bride at the wedding
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