
Definition: Meaning of, war in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / wɔː /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
war wars
  1. [uncountable and countable] when there is fighting between two or more countries or between opposing groups within a country, involving large numbers of soldiers and weapons
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  2. [uncountable and countable] a struggle over a long period of time to control something harmful
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  3. [uncountable and countable] a situation in which a person or group is fighting for power, influence, or control
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  4. be in the wars British English spoken used, often humorously, to say that someone has lots of injuries or health problems
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  5. this means war spoken used humorously to say that you are ready to fight or argue about something
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war used in phrases

  • American Civil War (noun)
    1. civil war in the United States between the North and the South; 1861-1865
  • American Civil War, the
    1. a war that was fought in the US between 1861 and 1865 when 11 southern states rebelled against the federal government. The southern states were beaten, and as a result of the war, slaves became free.
  • American Revolutionary War (noun)
    1. the revolution of the American Colonies against Great Britain; 1775-1783
  • American Revolutionary War, the
    1. (1775-83) the war in which people in Britain's COLONIES in North America became independent and established the United States of America
  • American War of Independence (noun)
    1. the revolution of the American Colonies against Great Britain; 1775-1783
  • Arab-Israeli War (noun)
    1. tension between Arabs and Israeli erupted into a brief war in June 1967; Israel emerged as a major power in the Middle East
    2. on Yom Kippur egypt and Syria attacked Israel in October 1973 ; Israel counterattacked and drove the Syrians back and crossed the Suez Canal into Egypt
  • Boer War (noun)
    1. 1899-1902 1880-1881 either of two wars: the first when the Boers fought England in order to regain the independence they had given up to obtain British help against the Zulus ; the second when the Orange Free State and Transvaal declared war on Britain
  • Boer War, the
    1. (1899-1902) a war in South Africa in which the British army successfully fought against two Boer REPUBLIC s called the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, and made them part of the British Empire
  • Bosnian War, the
    1. (1991-95) a war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where the three different groups of people living in this area - Serbs, Croats, and Bosnian Muslims - fought each other to gain land
  • Chino-Japanese War (noun)
    1. 1894 and 1895 a war between China and Japan over the control of the Korean Peninsula; China was overwhelmingly defeated at Port Arthur
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