
Definition: Meaning of, vector in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈvɛktə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
vector vectors
[countable] [technical]
  1. a quantity such as force that has a direction as well as size
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  2. an insect or animal that passes disease from one person to another [=  carrier]
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  3. in biology, an animal or human cell that is used to carry DNA from one cell to another to produce a CLONE
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vector used in phrases

  • gene delivery vector (noun)
    1. a vector for delivering genes into cells
  • intermediate vector boson (noun)
    1. a gauge boson that mediates weak interactions between particles
  • liposomal delivery vector (noun)
    1. a transducing vector that uses liposomes to carry the gene of interest
  • radius vector (noun)
    1. a line connecting a satellite to the centre of the body around which it is rotating
    2. a line connecting a point in space to the origin of a polar coordinate system
  • transducing vector (noun)
    1. a vector for delivering genes into cells
  • vector algebra (noun)
    1. mathematics the part of algebra that deals with the theory of vectors and vector spaces
  • vector decomposition (noun)
    1. the analysis of a vector field
  • vector product (noun)
    1. a vector that is the product of two other vectors
  • vector sum (noun)
    1. a vector that is the sum of two or more other vectors
  • vector-borne transmission (noun)
    1. indirect transmission of an infectious agent that occurs when a vector bites or touches a person
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