
Definition: Meaning of, uncle in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈʌŋk(ə)l /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
uncle uncles
  1. the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt [↪  aunt]
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  2. used by children, in front of a first name, to address or refer to a man who is a close friend of their parents
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  3. say uncle American English spoken used by children to tell someone to admit they have been defeated
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uncle used in phrases

  • Bob's your uncle
    1. easily finished, that's all there is to it
  • Dutch uncle (noun)
    1. a counsellor who admonishes frankly and sternly
  • Uncle Joe (noun)
    1. 1883-1946 united States general who commanded the Allied forces in China and Burma and India during World War II
  • Uncle Remus
    1. a character in the children's stories about BRER RABBIT by the US writer, Joel Chandler Harris. In the books, Uncle Remus is the NARRATOR (= the character who tells the stories) .
  • Uncle Sam (noun)
    1. informal the US, or the US government, sometimes represented by the figure of a man with a white BEARD and tall hat
  • Uncle Tom (noun)
    1. American English a black person who is too respectful to white people - used to show disapproval
  • great-uncle (noun)
    1. an uncle of your father or mother
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