
Definition: Meaning of, tube in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / tjuːb /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
tube tubes
  1. pipe for liquid [countable] a round pipe made of metal, glass, rubber etc, especially for liquids or gases to go through
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  2. [countable] a long hollow object that is usually round
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  3. container [countable] a narrow container made of plastic or soft metal and closed at one end, that you press between your fingers in order to push out the soft substance that is inside
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  4. in your body [countable] a tube-shaped part inside your body
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  5. trains the tube British English the system of trains that run under the ground in London [=  subway American English]
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  6. go down the tubes informal if a situation goes down the tubes, it quickly becomes ruined or spoiled
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  7. television the tube American English spoken the television
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  8. electrical equipment [countable] technical the part of a television that produces the picture on the screen [=  cathode ray tube]
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
Present Participle Third Person Singular
  1. to float on a river on a large INNER TUBE for fun
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tube used in phrases

  • Crookes tube (noun)
    1. the original gas-discharge cathode-ray tube
  • Eustachian tube (noun)
    1. either of the paired tubes connecting the middle ears to the nasopharynx; equalizes air pressure on the two sides of the eardrum
  • Fallopian tube (noun)
    1. either of a pair of tubes conducting the egg from the ovary to the uterus
  • Geiger tube (noun)
    1. an ionization chamber contained in a tube in a Geiger counter
  • Geiger-Muller tube (noun)
    1. an ionization chamber contained in a tube in a Geiger counter
  • Kundt's tube (noun)
    1. a measuring instrument used to measure the speed of sound
  • Pitot tube (noun)
    1. measuring instrument consisting of a right-angled tube with an open end that is directed in opposition to the flow of a fluid and used to measure the velocity of fluid flow
    2. measuring instrument consisting of a combined Pitot tube and static tube that measures total and static pressure; used in aircraft to measure airspeed
  • Pitot-static tube (noun)
    1. measuring instrument consisting of a combined Pitot tube and static tube that measures total and static pressure; used in aircraft to measure airspeed
  • Venturi tube (noun)
    1. a short tube inserted into a pipeline and used to measure the quantity of a liquid that is flowing in the pipeline
  • X-ray tube (noun)
    1. a vacuum tube containing a metal target onto which a beam of electrons is directed at high energy for the generation of X rays
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