
Definition: Meaning of, treasure in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈtrɛʒə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
treasure treasures
  1. [uncountable] a group of valuable things such as gold, silver, jewels etc
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  2. [countable] a very valuable and important object such as a painting or ancient document
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  3. [singular] informal someone who is very useful or important to you
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
treasure treasured treasured
Present Participle Third Person Singular
treasuring treasures
  1. to keep and care for something that is very special, important, or valuable to you
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treasure used in phrases

  • Treasure Island
    1. (1883) an adventure story for children by Robert Louis STEVENSON about a young man called Jim Hawkins who is trying to find some TREASURE (= gold, jewels, coins etc) that has been buried on an island. He discovers that some of the sailors on his ship are PIRATE s (= sailors who violently rob other ships) led by LONG JOHN SILVER .
  • Treasure State (noun)
    1. a state in northwestern United States on the Canadian border
  • treasure chest (noun)
    1. a box that holds treasure
  • treasure flower (noun)
    1. decumbent South African perennial with short densely leafy stems and orange flower rays with black eyespots at base
  • treasure house (noun)
    1. a storehouse for treasures
  • treasure hunt (noun)
    1. a game in which you have to find something that has been hidden by answering questions that are left in different places
  • treasure ship (noun)
    1. a 16th-century ship loaded with treasure
  • treasure trove (noun)
    1. a group of valuable or interesting things or pieces of information, or the place where they are
    2. British English law valuable objects, coins etc that are found where they have been hidden or buried, which are not claimed by anyone
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