
Definition: Meaning of, toilet in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈtɔɪlɪt /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
toilet toilets
  1. [countable] a large bowl that you sit on to get rid of waste liquid or waste matter from your body
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  2. [countable] British English a room or building containing a toilet [=  bathroom, restroom American English]
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  3. go to the toilet especially British English to pass waste liquid or waste matter from your body
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  4. [uncountable] old-fashioned the act of washing and dressing yourself
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toilet used in phrases

  • chemical toilet (noun)
    1. a toilet consisting of a seat above a container containing disinfectants and deodorizers
  • flush toilet (noun)
    1. a toilet that is cleaned of waste by the flow of water through it
  • flushless toilet (noun)
    1. instead of using water a toilet that relies on bacteria to break down waste matter
  • public toilet (noun)
    1. a toilet that is available to the public
  • toilet articles (noun)
    1. washing and taking care of your body artifacts used in making your toilet
  • toilet bag (noun)
    1. a bag in which you keep things such as soap, TOOTHPASTE etc when travelling [=  sponge bag British English]
  • toilet bowl (noun)
    1. the bowl of a toilet that can be flushed with water
  • toilet facility (noun)
    1. a toilet that is available to the public
  • toilet kit (noun)
    1. a kit for carrying toilet articles while travelling
  • toilet paper (noun)
    1. soft thin paper used for cleaning yourself after you have used the toilet
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