
Definition: Meaning of, times in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / tʌɪmz /

  • preposition
  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. multiplied by
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
times timesed timesed
Present Participle Third Person Singular
timesing timeses
[transitive not in progressive] [spoken]
  1. to multiply a number
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times used in phrases

  • Financial Times Index, the
  • Financial Times, the
    1. a serious British daily newspaper which contains articles about business and financial news. It is printed on pink paper.
  • Fortean Times, the
    1. a British magazine that gives news reports about strange and unusual events such as GHOST s or space vehicles from other PLANET s
  • Hard Times
    1. (1854) a book by Charles DICKENS about life in an imaginary industrial city in northern England. One of its main characters is the businessman Thomas GRADGRIND, who is only interested in facts and practical matters, and teaches his children that love and imagination have no use or value.
  • Los Angeles Times, The
    1. a serious daily newspaper produced in Los Angeles and also sold in other parts of the US
  • New York Times, The
    1. a serious daily newspaper which is produced in New York City. It is sold everywhere in the US and in many other countries, and people in the US often just call it 'the Times'.
  • Radio Times, The
    1. a British weekly magazine that gives the times and details of television and radio programmes, as well as articles about programmes, actors, etc
  • Roman times (noun)
    1. the time period during which Rome dominated Europe
  • Sunday Times, The
    1. a serious British Sunday newspaper whose political opinions are fairly RIGHT-WING . The Sunday Times was one of the first papers to be divided into SECTION s (= separate parts), such as a Sports Section and a Business Section, and it has a very large number of these.
  • TV Times
    1. a British weekly magazine that gives the times and details of television programmes, as well as articles about programmes, actors etc
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