
Definition: Meaning of, thumb in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / θʌm /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
thumb thumbs
  1. the part of your hand that is shaped like a thick short finger and helps you to hold things
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  2. the part of a GLOVE that fits over your thumb
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  3. be all fingers and thumbs British English American English informal to be unable to do something in which you have to make small careful movements with your fingers
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  4. the thumbs up/down informal when an idea or plan is officially accepted or not accepted
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  5. be under somebody's thumb to be so strongly influenced by someone that they control you completely
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
thumb thumbed thumbed
Present Participle Third Person Singular
thumbing thumbs
  1. thumb a lift British English American English informal to persuade a driver of a passing car to stop and take you somewhere, by putting your hand out with your thumb raised
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  2. thumb your nose at somebody/something to show that you do not respect rules, laws etc or you do not care what someone thinks of you
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thumb used in phrases

  • Hop o' My Thumb
    1. a French FAIRY TALE (= a children's story in which magical things happen) . Hop o'My Thumb is the youngest of seven children, and he protects his brothers and sisters after their parents leave them in the forest because they have no money. He steals some magic boots from an OGRE, and uses them to make money which he gives to his parents.
  • Tom Thumb
    1. a character in a FAIRY TALE (= a story for children in which magical things happen) who was only as big as a person's thumb
  • green thumb (noun)
    1. a special ability to make plants grow
  • miller's-thumb (noun)
    1. small freshwater sculpin of Europe and North America
  • rule of thumb (noun)
    1. a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behaviour
  • thumb index (noun)
    1. a line of round cuts in the edge of a large book which have the letters of the alphabet on them and help you find the part of the book you want
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thumb used in phrasal verbs

  • thumb through (phrasal verb)
    1. thumb through something to quickly turn the pages of a book, magazine, or newspaper
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