
Definition: Meaning of, tension in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈtɛnʃ(ə)n /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
tension tensions
  1. nervous feeling [uncountable] a nervous worried feeling that makes it impossible for you to relax [↪  tense]
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  2. no trust [countable usually plural, uncountable] the feeling that exists when people or countries do not trust each other and may suddenly attack each other or start arguing
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  3. different influences [uncountable and countable] if there is tension between two things, there is a difference between the needs or influences of each, and that causes problems
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  4. tightness [uncountable] tightness or stiffness in a wire, rope, muscle etc
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  5. force [uncountable] the amount of force that stretches something
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tension used in phrases

  • high-tension (adjective)
    1. high-tension wires/cables etc wires etc that have a powerful electric current going through them
  • interfacial surface tension (noun)
    1. surface tension at the surface separating two non-miscible liquids
  • interfacial tension (noun)
    1. surface tension at the surface separating two non-miscible liquids
  • low-tension (adjective)
    1. electricity subjected to or capable of operating under relative low voltage
  • normal tension glaucoma (noun)
    1. glaucoma that results from damage to the optic nerve although the intraocular pressure is normal
  • premenstrual tension (noun)
    1. the tiredness, headache, bad temper etc experienced by some women in the days before their PERIOD
  • surface tension (noun)
    1. the way the MOLECULE s in the surface of a liquid stick together so that the surface is held together
  • tension headache (noun)
    1. a headache located at the back of the head; usually caused by body tension resulting from overwork or psychological stress
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