
Definition: Meaning of, strawberry in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈstrɔːb(ə)ri /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
strawberry strawberries
  1. a soft red juicy fruit with small seeds on its surface, or the plant that grows this fruit
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strawberry used in phrases

  • Chilean strawberry (noun)
    1. wild strawberry of western United States and South America; source of many varieties of cultivated strawberries
  • Irish strawberry (noun)
    1. small evergreen European shrubby tree bearing many-seeded scarlet berries that are edible but bland; of Ireland, southern Europe, Asia Minor
  • Virginia strawberry (noun)
    1. north American wild strawberry with sweet scarlet fruit; a source of many cultivated strawberries
  • beach strawberry (noun)
    1. wild strawberry of western United States and South America; source of many varieties of cultivated strawberries
  • cultivated strawberry (noun)
    1. widely cultivated
  • garden strawberry (noun)
    1. widely cultivated
  • purple strawberry guava (noun)
    1. small tropical shrubby tree bearing deep red oval fruit
  • scarlet strawberry (noun)
    1. north American wild strawberry with sweet scarlet fruit; a source of many cultivated strawberries
  • strawberry blite (noun)
    1. european annual with clusters of greenish flowers followed by red pulpy berrylike fruit; naturalized North America
  • strawberry blonde (noun)
    1. someone, especially a girl or woman, with light reddish yellow hair
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