
Definition: Meaning of, stitch in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / stɪtʃ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
stitch stitches
  1. sewing [countable] a short piece of thread that has been sewn into a piece of cloth, or the action of the thread going into and out of the cloth
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  2. for wound [countable] a piece of special thread which has been used to sew the edges of a wound together
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  3. pain [countable usually singular] a sharp pain in the side of your body, which you can get by running or laughing a lot
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  4. with wool [countable] a small circle of wool that is formed around a needle when you are KNITTING
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  5. style [uncountable and countable] a particular way of sewing or KNITTING that makes a particular pattern
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  6. not have a stitch on informal to be wearing no clothes
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  7. in stitches laughing a lot in a uncontrollable way
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  8. a stitch in time (saves nine) spoken used to say that it is better to deal with problems early than to wait until they get worse
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
stitch stitched stitched
Present Participle Third Person Singular
stitching stitches
  1. to sew two pieces of cloth together, or to sew a decoration onto a piece of cloth
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stitch used in phrases

  • basting stitch (noun)
    1. a loose temporary sewing stitch to hold layers of fabric together
  • blanket stitch (noun)
    1. a strong reinforcing stitch for edges of blanket and other thick material; similar to buttonhole stitch
  • buttonhole stitch (noun)
    1. a reinforcing looped stitch for edges, as around a buttonhole
  • chain stitch (noun)
    1. a way of sewing in which each new stitch is pulled through the last one
  • crochet stitch (noun)
    1. any one of a number of stitches made by pulling a loop of yarn through another loop with a crochet needle
  • cross-stitch (noun)
    1. a stitch in a cross shape used in decorative sewing
  • double stitch (noun)
    1. a kind of crochet stitch
    double stitch (verb)
    1. handicraft make by double stitching
  • embroidery stitch (noun)
    1. a stitch made with thread and a threaded sewing needle through fabric or leather
  • faggot stitch (noun)
    1. the stitch that ties a group of parallel threads together in fagoting
  • fagot stitch (noun)
    1. the stitch that ties a group of parallel threads together in fagoting
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stitch used in phrasal verbs

  • stitch up (phrasal verb)
    1. to repair a piece of cloth that has been torn by sewing it
    2. to join someone’s skin together after it has been cut
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