
Definition: Meaning of, stamp in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / stamp /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
stamp stamps
  1. mail also postage stamp formal a small piece of paper that you buy and stick onto an envelope or package before posting it
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  2. printed mark a tool for pressing or printing a mark or pattern onto a surface, or the mark made by this tool
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  3. the stamp of something if something has the stamp of a particular quality, it clearly has that quality
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  4. payment British English a small piece of paper that is worth a particular amount of money and is bought and collected for something over a period of time
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  5. tax British English a piece of paper for sticking to some official papers to show that British tax has been paid
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  6. of ... stamp formal someone with a particular kind of character
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  7. with foot an act of stamping, especially with your foot
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
stamp stamped stamped
Present Participle Third Person Singular
stamping stamps
  1. put foot down [intransitive and transitive] to put your foot down onto the ground loudly and with a lot of force
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  2. walk noisily [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to walk somewhere in a noisy way by putting your feet down hard onto the ground because you are angry [=  stomp]
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  3. make a mark [transitive] to put a pattern, sign, or letters on something using a special tool
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  4. affect somebody/something [transitive] to have an important or permanent effect on someone or something
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  5. mail [transitive] to stick a stamp onto a letter, PARCEL etc
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stamp used in phrases

  • Stamp Act (noun)
    1. an act passed by the British Parliament in 1756 that raised revenue from the American Colonies by a duty in the form of a stamp required on all newspapers and legal or commercial documents; opposition by the Colonies resulted in the repeal of the act in 1766
  • Stamp Act, the
    1. a British law made in 1765 which put a tax on Britain's COLONIES in North America. According to this law, various documents had to carry a stamp, which had to be paid for. This caused a lot of anger in the COLONIES, and opponents of the law used the phrase "No taxation without representation", meaning that it was unfair to make them pay taxes to Britain when they did not have any representatives in the British parliament. Although the tax was removed in 1766, the Stamp Act and the anger that it caused was one of the events that led to the American Revolutionary War.
  • date stamp (noun)
    1. an object used for printing the date on documents
    2. the mark that it makes
  • food stamp (noun)
    1. an official piece of paper that the US government gives to poor people so they can buy food
  • postage stamp (noun)
    1. formal a stamp
  • revenue stamp (noun)
    1. a small piece of adhesive paper that is put on an object to show that a government tax has been paid
  • rubber stamp (noun)
    1. a small piece of rubber with a handle, used for printing dates or names on paper
  • rubber-stamp (verb)
    1. to give official approval to something without really thinking about it - used to show disapproval
  • stamp album (noun)
    1. an album for stamps
  • stamp battery (noun)
    1. a series of stamps operated in one mortar for crushing ores
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stamp used in phrasal verbs

  • stamp on (phrasal verb)
    1. stamp on something to stop something by taking determined action
    2. stamp on someone to stop someone in a very unfair or cruel way from doing something
  • stamp out (phrasal verb)
    1. to end something bad or unpleasant by taking strong and determined action
    2. to make a fire stop burning by putting your feet down hard on it
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word of the day

Pronunciation: ˈliːki
Parts of Speech: noun
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