
Definition: Meaning of, song in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / sɒŋ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
song songs
  1. music with words [countable] a short piece of music with words that you sing
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  2. music with words [uncountable] songs in general
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  3. birds [uncountable and countable] the musical sounds made by birds and some other animals such as WHALE s
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  4. for a song very cheaply
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  5. a song and dance (about something) informal British English if you make a song and dance about something, you behave as if it was worse, more important, more difficult etc than it really is
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  6. a song and dance (about something) informal American English an explanation or excuse that is too long and complicated
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Definition: Meaning of, Song in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / sɒŋ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Song songs
  1. the imperial dynasty of China from 960 to 1279; noted for art and literature and philosophy
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Song used in phrases

  • Eurovision Song Contest, the
    1. a competition shown on television each year, in which singers or groups of singers representing European countries sing specially written songs, and judges vote for the song which they think is the best
  • Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Children (noun)
    1. an Apocryphal book consisting of text added to the Book of Daniel
  • Sing a song of sixpence
    1. a NURSERY RHYME (= an old song or poem for young children) which starts: Sing a song of sixpence,/A pocket full of rye;/Four-and-twenty blackbirds/Baked in a pie./When the pie was opened,/The birds began to sing,/Wasn't that a dainty dish/To set before the King?
  • Song dynasty (noun)
    1. the imperial dynasty of China from 960 to 1279; noted for art and literature and philosophy
  • Song of Solomon (noun)
    1. an Old Testament book consisting of a collection of love poems traditionally attributed to Solomon but actually written much later
  • Song of Solomon, the
    1. a book of the Old Testament of the Bible, also known as The Song of Songs or The Canticles, which is thought to have been written by King SOLOMON . It contains love poems which are considered to represent God's love for his people.
  • Song of Songs (noun)
    1. an Old Testament book consisting of a collection of love poems traditionally attributed to Solomon but actually written much later
  • banquet song (noun)
    1. sometimes improvised a song sung by guests at a banquet
  • cover song (noun)
    1. a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else
  • drinking song (noun)
    1. a song celebrating the joys of drinking; sung at drinking parties
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