
Definition: Meaning of, sojourner in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈsɒʤɜːnə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
sojourner sojourners
  1. a temporary resident
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sojourner used in phrases

  • Sojourner Truth (noun)
    1. 1797-1883 united States abolitionist and feminist who was freed from slavery and became a leading advocate of the abolition of slavery and for the rights of women
  • Truth, Sojourner
    1. (1797-1883) a female US SLAVE (= a black person who was owned by a white person) with strong Christian beliefs, who was allowed to become a free person and who then travelled around the US teaching people about God and speaking publicly against SLAVEry (= the practice of owning SLAVEs) .
  • More

word of the day

Pronunciation: ˈsteɪkhəʊldə səˈsʌɪɪti
Parts of Speech: noun
politics the concept, within the New Labour movement, that members of a society have both rights from it, and duties or responsibilities to it