
Definition: Meaning of, society in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / səˈsʌɪɪti /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
society societies
  1. people in general [uncountable] people in general, considered in relation to the laws, organizations etc that make it possible for them to live together
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  2. a particular group [uncountable and countable] a particular large group of people who share laws, organizations, customs etc
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  3. club [countable] an organization or club with members who share similar interests, aims etc
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  4. upper class [uncountable] the fashionable group of people who are rich and powerful
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  5. being with people [uncountable] formal when you are together with other people
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  6. polite society middle or upper class people who behave correctly in social situations
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society used in phrases

  • American Cancer Society, the
    1. an organization in the US that provides money for scientists who are studying the causes of cancer and trying to find cures for it. It also gives information to help prevent people getting cancer.
  • Audubon Society, the
    1. an organization in the US that works to protect wild birds
  • Fabian Society (noun)
    1. an association of British socialists who advocate gradual reforms within the law leading to democratic socialism
  • Flat Earth Society, the
    1. an organization which believes that the Earth is flat and that science cannot be trusted. People sometimes mention its name when they are talking about someone whose ideas are impractical or unscientific.
  • Hemlock Society, the
    1. an organization in the US which aims to change the law that prevents helping seriously ill people to die if they wish to. The organization gives advice to such people and their families. There is a similar organization in the UK called EXIT .
  • Humane Society, the
    1. a US organization that takes care of unwanted pets, especially ones that were treated cruelly, and tries to find them new homes. It also encourages people to treat animals better.
  • International Society for Krishna Consciousness (noun)
    1. a religious sect founded in the United States in 1966; based on Vedic scriptures; groups engage in joyful chanting of 'Hare Krishna' and other mantras based on the name of the Hindu god Krishna; devotees usually wear saffron robes and practice vegetarianism and celibacy
  • John Birch Society, the
    1. a very RIGHT-WING organization started in the US during the 1950s to fight COMMUNISM
  • Law Society, the
    1. an organization for members of the legal profession in the UK. The Law Society is in charge of the education and training of lawyers, and is responsible for making sure that they do their jobs in a professional and honest way.
  • National Easter Seal Society, the
    1. a US CHARITY organization that helps DISABLED children and adults. It makes sure that they are treated fairly, become independent, and have equal rights.
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