
Definition: Meaning of, smoking in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈsməʊkɪŋ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. the activity of breathing in tobacco smoke from a cigarette, pipe etc
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smoking used in phrases

  • no smoking (adjective)
    1. smoking not permitted
  • no-smoking (adjective)
  • non-smoking (adjective)
    1. a non-smoking area is one where you are not allowed to smoke
    2. [only before noun] used to describe someone who does not smoke
  • passive smoking (noun)
    1. the act of breathing in smoke that is in the air around you when someone else is smoking cigarettes
  • smoking car (noun)
    1. a passenger car for passengers who wish to smoke
  • smoking carriage (noun)
    1. a passenger car for passengers who wish to smoke
  • smoking compartment (noun)
    1. a passenger car for passengers who wish to smoke
  • smoking gun (noun)
    1. something that shows who is responsible for something bad or how something really happened
  • smoking jacket (noun)
    1. a formal jacket that men wore after dinner in the past
  • smoking mixture (noun)
    1. a blend of tobaccos to be smoked in a pipe
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