Definition: Meaning of, silicon in English to English dictionary.
Pronunciation:/ ˈsɪlɪk(ə)n /
Word Forms:
a chemical substance that exists as a solid or as a powder and is used to make glass, bricks, and parts for computers. It is a chemical ELEMENT : symbol Si
a humorous name for an area of central Scotland where there are many companies producing computer products. Its name is based on Silicon Valley, because "glen" is a Scottish word for a valley.
a part of California in the area between San Francisco and San José, which is a centre of the computer industry. Many important inventions were made in this area, and many large and small companies producing computer SOFTWARE and HARDWARE are based there. It is called Silicon Valley because the computer industry is based on the SILICON CHIP .
SiC an extremely hard blue-black crystalline compound used as an abrasive and a heat refractory material; crystals of silicon carbide can be used as semiconductors
SiO2 a white or colourless vitreous insoluble solid ; various forms occur widely in the earth's crust as quartz or cristobalite or tridymite or lechatelierite
SiO2 a white or colourless vitreous insoluble solid ; various forms occur widely in the earth's crust as quartz or cristobalite or tridymite or lechatelierite