
Definition: Meaning of, shooter in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈʃuːtə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
shooter shooters
  1. someone who shoots a gun
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  2. informal a gun
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  3. American English a BASKETBALL player who is good at throwing the ball through the basket
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shooter used in phrases

  • crap-shooter (noun)
    1. a gambler who throws dice in the game of craps
  • first-person shooter (noun)
    1. a computer or video game in which the person playing the game is the main character and has to shoot the other characters in the game
  • line-shooter (noun)
    1. a very boastful and talkative person
  • pea shooter (noun)
    1. as dried peas a straight narrow tube through which pellets can be blown at a target
  • sharp shooter (noun)
    1. someone who is very skilful at hitting what they aim at when shooting a gun
  • six-shooter (noun)
    1. a small gun that holds six bullets
  • square shooter (noun)
    1. a frank and honest person
  • straight shooter (noun)
    1. American English informal an honest person who you can trust
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