
Definition: Meaning of, san in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / san /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. pejorative term for an insane asylum
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  2. a hospital for recuperation or for the treatment of chronic diseases
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Definition: Meaning of, San in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / sɑːn /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. a member of the ethnically distinct, short-statured nomadic people of southern Africa
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  2. a Khoisan language spoken by the San
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San used in phrases

  • Fuji-san (noun)
    1. an extinct volcano in south central Honshu that is the highest peak in Japan; last erupted in 1707; famous for its symmetrical snow-capped peak; a sacred mountain and site for pilgrimages
  • Republic of San Marino (noun)
    1. achieved independence in 301 the smallest republic in the world; the oldest independent country in Europe ; located in the Apennines and completely surrounded by Italy
  • San Andreas Fault (noun)
    1. a major geological fault in California; runs from San Diego to San Francisco; the source of serious earthquakes
  • San Andreas fault
    1. the San Andreas fault a crack in the Earth's surface which goes from the north to the south of California in the western US. The large areas of rock on either side of this crack are slowly moving in different directions, and this sometimes causes EARTHQUAKE s .
  • San Angelo (noun)
    1. a town in west central Texas; formerly a notorious frontier town
  • San Antonio
    1. a city in southern Texas which has large numbers of Mexican-Americans and the ALAMO
  • San Bernardino (noun)
    1. a city in southern California to the east of Los Angeles
  • San Carlos Apache (noun)
    1. an Apache language
  • San Diego
    1. a city in southern California, US, which is a port, an industrial centre, and a base for the US navy
  • San Diego Bay (noun)
    1. a bay of the Pacific in southern California
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