
Definition: Meaning of, saddle in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈsad(ə)l /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
saddle saddles
  1. a leather seat that you sit on when you ride a horse
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  2. a seat on a bicycle or a MOTORCYCLE
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  3. in the saddle informal riding a horse
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  4. in the saddle informal in a position in which you have power or authority
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  5. saddle of lamb/hare/venison a large joint of meat taken from the middle of the animal's back
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
saddle saddled saddled
Present Participle Third Person Singular
saddling saddles
  1. to put a saddle on a horse
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saddle used in phrases

  • American saddle horse (noun)
    1. a high-stepping horse originating in Kentucky
  • English cavalry saddle (noun)
    1. a saddle having a steel cantle and pommel and no horn
  • English saddle (noun)
    1. a saddle having a steel cantle and pommel and no horn
  • Western saddle (noun)
    1. an ornamented saddle used by cowboys; has a high horn to hold the lariat
  • saddle bag (noun)
    1. a bag for carrying things, fixed to the saddle on a horse or bicycle
  • saddle blanket (noun)
    1. stable gear consisting of a blanket placed under the saddle
  • saddle block anaesthesia (noun)
    1. the parts of a patient's body that would touch a saddle if the patient were sitting in one are anesthetized by injecting a local anaesthetic into the spinal cord
  • saddle block anesthesia (noun)
    1. the parts of a patient's body that would touch a saddle if the patient were sitting in one are anesthetized by injecting a local anaesthetic into the spinal cord
  • saddle feather (noun)
    1. saddle a long narrow feather on the back of a domestic fowl
  • saddle hackle (noun)
    1. saddle a long narrow feather on the back of a domestic fowl
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saddle used in phrasal verbs

  • saddle up (phrasal verb)
    1. to put a saddle on a horse
  • saddle with (phrasal verb)
    1. saddle someone with something to give someone something that is difficult to deal with
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