
Definition: Meaning of, royal in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈrɔɪəl /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
[only before noun]
  1. relating to or belonging to a king or queen [↪  regal]
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  2. used in the names of organizations that serve or are supported by a king or queen
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  3. very impressive, as if done for a king or queen
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  4. the royal 'we' British English the use of the word 'we' instead of 'I' by the Queen or King
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  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
royal royals
  1. informal a member of a royal family
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royal used in phrases

  • Isle Royal National Park (noun)
    1. a national park on an island in Michigan; includes prehistoric iron mines
  • Marshal of the Royal Air Force
    1. the most important officer in the British air force
  • Once in Royal David's City
    1. the title and first words of a well-known Christmas CAROL (= a traditional religious song)
  • Princess Royal, the
    1. a title that is given to the eldest daughter of a British king or queen. Princess ANNE was given the title by her mother, Queen Elizabeth II, in 1987.
  • Royal Academy
    1. the Royal Academy , the Royal Academy of Arts an important British society of artists, whose members use the letters RA after their names. It has a school for artists, and it organizes many EXHIBITION s (= public shows of paintings etc), including its well-known Summer Exhibition, which takes place every year and shows new paintings by British artists, including work by ordinary people who are not professional artists.
    2. the building in PICCADILLY, central London, where the Royal Academy's exhibitions take place
  • Royal Academy of Arts (noun)
    1. founded in 1768 an honorary academy in London intended to cultivate painting and sculpture and architecture in Britain
  • Royal Academy of Music, the
    1. an important London music college
  • Royal Air Force
    1. the full name of the British air force
  • Royal Albert Hall
    1. the full name of the ALBERT HALL
  • Royal Ascot
    1. a four-day horse-racing event at Ascot, England, every June. It is one of the most important race meetings in Britain and members of the royal family always attend. One of the days is called Ladies' Day and some of the women like to wear unusual and usually big hats. It is popular especially with UPPER-CLASS people.
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