
Definition: Meaning of, robber in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈrɒbə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
robber robbers
  1. someone who steals money or property [↪  thief, burglar]
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robber used in phrases

  • bank robber (noun)
    1. a robber of banks
  • camp robber (noun)
    1. a jay of northern North America with black-capped head and no crest; noted for boldness in thievery
  • cradle-robber (noun)
    1. someone who has a romantic relationship with someone who is much younger - used to show disapproval [↪  sugar daddy, toy boy]
  • robber baron (noun)
    1. a powerful person who uses their money and influence to get more money, business, land etc in a way that is slightly dishonest
  • robber fly (noun)
    1. swift predatory fly having a strong body like a bee with the proboscis hardened for sucking juices of other insects captured on the wing
  • robber frog (noun)
    1. of southwest United States and Mexico; call is like a dog's bark
    2. small terrestrial frog of tropical America
  • sea robber (noun)
    1. someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation
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