
Definition: Meaning of, revolt in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / rɪˈvəʊlt /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
revolt revolts
[uncountable and countable]
  1. a refusal to accept someone's authority or obey rules or laws [=  rebellion]
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  2. strong and often violent action by a lot of people against their ruler or government [↪  revolution] [=  rebellion]
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
revolt revolted revolted
Present Participle Third Person Singular
revolting revolts
  1. [intransitive] if people revolt, they take strong and often violent action against the government, usually with the aim of taking power away from them [↪  revolution] [=  rebel]
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  2. [intransitive] to refuse to accept someone's authority or obey rules or laws [=  rebel]
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  3. [transitive usually passive] if something revolts you, it is so unpleasant that it makes you feel sick and shocked [↪  revulsion]
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revolt used in phrases

  • Great Revolt (noun)
    1. a widespread rebellion in 1381 against poll taxes and other inequities that oppressed the poorer people of England; suppressed by Richard II
  • Peasant's Revolt (noun)
    1. a widespread rebellion in 1381 against poll taxes and other inequities that oppressed the poorer people of England; suppressed by Richard II
  • Peasants' Revolt, the
    1. a protest in 1381 involving large numbers of English PEASANT s, who were angry about unfair social and economic conditions and about high taxes. They formed an unoffical army, led by Wat TYLER, and marched to London, where they demanded better conditions and took control of the Tower of London. The English king, Richard II, pretended to agree to some of their demands, but after their leaders were killed he changed his mind, so the revolt failed.
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