
Definition: Meaning of, regime in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / reɪˈʒiːm /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
regime regimes
  1. a government, especially one that was not elected fairly or that you disapprove of for some other reason
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  2. a particular system - used especially when talking about a previous system, or one that has just been introduced
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  3. a special plan of food, exercise etc that is intended to improve your health [=  regimen]
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regime used in phrases

  • authoritarian regime (noun)
    1. a government that concentrates political power in an authority not responsible to the people
  • pupet regime (noun)
    1. a government that is appointed by and whose affairs are directed by an outside authority that may impose hardships on those governed
  • regime change (noun)
    1. a change in the government of a country that happens because another country forces that government out of power [↪  revolution, coup d'etat]
  • totalitation regime (noun)
    1. a government that subordinates the individual to the state and strictly controls all aspects of life by coercive measures
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