
Definition: Meaning of, receptor in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / rɪˈsɛptə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
receptor receptors
  1. a nerve ending which receives information about changes in light, heat etc and causes the body to react in particular ways
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receptor used in phrases

  • alpha receptor (noun)
    1. such as vasoconstriction and relaxation of intestinal muscles and contraction of smooth muscles receptors postulated to exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympathetic nervous system in order to explain the specificity of certain agents that affect only some sympathetic activities
  • alpha-adrenergic receptor (noun)
    1. such as vasoconstriction and relaxation of intestinal muscles and contraction of smooth muscles receptors postulated to exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympathetic nervous system in order to explain the specificity of certain agents that affect only some sympathetic activities
  • beta receptor (noun)
    1. such as vasodilation and increased heart beat receptors postulated to exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympathetic nervous system in order to explain the specificity of certain agents that affect only some sympathetic activities
  • beta-adrenergic receptor (noun)
    1. such as vasodilation and increased heart beat receptors postulated to exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympathetic nervous system in order to explain the specificity of certain agents that affect only some sympathetic activities
  • sensory receptor (noun)
    1. in the skin, viscera, eye, ear, nose or mouth an organ having nerve endings that respond to stimulation
  • stretch receptor (noun)
    1. a receptor in a muscle that responds to stretching of the muscle tissue
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