
Definition: Meaning of, queen in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / kwiːn /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
queen queens
  1. ruler also Queen the female ruler of a country [↪  king]
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  2. ruler also Queen the wife of a king
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  3. card a playing card with a picture of a queen on it
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  4. the queen of something the woman or place that is considered the best in a particular area or activity
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  5. competition American English the woman who wins a beauty competition, or who is chosen to represent a school, area etc
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  6. insect a large female BEE, ANT etc, which lays the eggs for a whole group
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  7. queen bee a woman who behaves as if she is the most important person in a place
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  8. homosexual taboo informal an offensive word for a male HOMOSEXUAL who behaves very like a woman. Do not use this word.
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  9. chess the most powerful piece in the game of CHESS
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
queen queened queened
Present Participle Third Person Singular
queening queens
  1. technical to change a PAWN into a queen in the game of CHESS
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  2. queen it over somebody British English informal if a woman queens it over other people, she behaves as if she is more important than them, in an annoying way
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queen used in phrases

  • Anne, Queen
    1. (1665-1714) the queen of Great Britain and Ireland from 1702 to 1714 and the daughter of James II.
  • Dairy Queen
    1. a type of US FAST FOOD restaurant which sells ICE CREAM and other foods, and is popular with young people
  • Elizabeth I, Queen
    1. (1533-1603) the queen of England from 1558 until her death. She never married, and is sometimes called "the Virgin Queen". While she was queen, England's power in the world increased, and the period is sometimes called 'the Elizabethan age', which people think of as a great period in English history.
  • Elizabeth II, Queen
    1. (1926-) the British queen since 1952, and also head of the British COMMONWEALTH . She is married to the DUKE OF EDINBURGH, and they have four children.
  • God Save the Queen
    1. the NATIONAL ANTHEM (= the official national song) of the UK. The title of the song changes to 'God Save the King' when the MONARCH is a king.
  • Harpers & Queen
    1. a British magazine with articles and pictures about fashion, famous people etc
  • Mary I, Queen
    1. (1516-1558) the queen of England from 1553 until her death. She was the daughter of HENRY VIII and Catherine of Aragon, and she married the king of Spain, Philip II. Mary tried to make England return to the Catholic religion, and many Protestants who refused to become Catholics were killed by being burned. For this reason, she was sometimes called Bloody Mary .
  • Mary Queen of Scots
    1. (1542-87) the daughter of the Scottish King James V. She became Queen of Scotland when she was one week old, but in 1568 she was forced to give up her position, and she escaped to England. Instead of helping her, the English queen, Elizabeth I (who was her COUSIN ) put her in prison. Many Catholics believed Mary should have been Queen of England instead of Elizabeth, who was a Protestant. Elizabeth later ordered Mary to be killed, because she believed Mary was involved in a secret plan to kill her. After Elizabeth's death, Mary's son James, who was the King of Scotland, also became the King of England (as JAMES I ). Mary had three husbands, and many stories and books have been written about her.
  • May Queen (noun)
    1. a young woman chosen as QUEEN as part of the MAY DAY celebrations. She wears a CROWN of flowers on her head, and she is also called Queen of the May .
  • May queen (noun)
    1. the girl chosen queen of a May Day festival
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