
Definition: Meaning of, prism in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈprɪz(ə)m /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
prism prisms
  1. a transparent block of glass that breaks up white light into different colours
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  2. technical a solid object with matching ends and several sides which are the same width all the way up
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prism used in phrases

  • Nicol prism (noun)
    1. optical device that produces plane-polarized light
  • Rochon prism (noun)
    1. optical device that produces plane-polarized ultraviolet light
  • Wollaston prism (noun)
    1. optical device that produces plane-polarized ultraviolet light
  • erecting prism (noun)
    1. a right-angled optical prism used to turn an inverted image upright
  • optical prism (noun)
    1. optical device having a triangular shape and made of glass or quartz; used to deviate a beam or invert an image
  • prism spectroscope (noun)
    1. frequency an optical instrument that measures light as a function of colour, e.g. used for spectrographic analysis
  • quadrangular prism (noun)
    1. a prism whose bases are quadrangles
  • triangular prism (noun)
    1. a prism whose bases are triangles
  • More

word of the day

Parts of Speech:
the large SQUARE (= a broad, open area in a town) in the centre of Moscow, famous especially for the military processions that took place there on MAY DAY when Moscow was the capital of the SOVIET UNION . The buildings in Red Square include St Basil's Cathedral and the Tomb of Lenin.