
Definition: Meaning of, plan in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / plan /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
plan plans
  1. intention something you have decided to do
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  2. method/arrangement a set of actions for achieving something in the future, especially a set of actions that has been considered carefully and in detail
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  3. map a drawing similar to a map, showing roads, towns, and buildings
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  4. drawing technical a drawing of a building, room, or machine as it would be seen from above, showing the shape, size, and position of the walls, windows, and doors
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  5. drawing a drawing that shows exactly how something will be arranged
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  6. plan A Plan A your first plan, which you will use if things happen the way you expect
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  7. plan B Plan B your second plan, which you can use if things do not happen the way you expect
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
plan planned planned
Present Participle Third Person Singular
planning plans
  1. [intransitive and transitive] to think carefully about something you want to do, and decide how and when you will do it
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  2. [transitive] to intend to do something
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  3. [transitive] to think about something you are going to make, and decide what it will be like [=  design]
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plan used in phrases

  • 401-k plan (noun)
    1. to some extent often a retirement savings plan that is funded by employee contributions and matching contributions from the employer; contributions are made from your salary before taxes and the funds grow tax-free until they are withdrawn, at which point they can be converted into an IRA; funds can be transferred if you change employers and you can manage the investments yourself
  • American plan (noun)
    1. a hotel plan that includes three meals daily
  • Bermuda plan (noun)
    1. a hotel plan that provides a full breakfast daily
  • Dawes Plan, the
    1. a plan developed by Charles G. Dawes, a US politician, to help Germany to pay its REPARATION s (= money paid by a defeated country) after World War I
  • European plan (noun)
    1. a hotel plan that provides a continental breakfast daily
  • Keogh Plan
    1. in the US, a personal PENSION plan for self-employed people
  • Keogh plan (noun)
    1. a tax-deferred pension plan for employees of unincorporated businesses or for self-employed persons
  • Marshall Plan (noun)
    1. 1948-1952 a United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe ; named after George Marshall
  • Marshall Plan, the
    1. a programme established by the US government in 1947 to give economic help to Europe after World War II. It was named after George C. Marshall, who was the US Secretary of State. Thousands of millions of dollars were provided for rebuilding cities, roads, industries etc
  • architectural plan (noun)
    1. scale drawing of a structure
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plan used in phrasal verbs

  • plan on (phrasal verb)
    1. plan on (doing) something to intend to do something, or to expect something to happen
  • plant out (phrasal verb)
    1. to take a young plant that is growing in a container and put it in the ground to grow
  • plant over (phrasal verb)
    1. plant over something to grow plants or trees on an area of ground so that it is covered with them
  • plant up (phrasal verb)
    1. to grow trees, plants, or seeds in a container or an area so that they fill it completely
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