
Definition: Meaning of, pilot in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈpʌɪlət /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
pilot pilots
  1. someone who operates the controls of an aircraft or spacecraft
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  2. someone with a special knowledge of a particular area of water, who is employed to guide ships across it
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  3. pilot study/project/scheme etc a small study, project etc which is carried out as a test to see if an idea, product etc will be successful
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  4. a television programme that is made in order to test whether people like it and would watch it
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
pilot piloted piloted
Present Participle Third Person Singular
piloting pilots
  1. to guide an aircraft, spacecraft, or ship as its pilot
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  2. to test a new idea, product etc on people to find out whether it will be successful
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  3. literary to help someone to go to a place
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  4. British English to be responsible for making sure that a new law or plan is officially approved
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pilot used in phrases

  • aeroplane pilot (noun)
    1. someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight
  • airplane pilot (noun)
    1. someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight
  • automatic pilot (noun)
    1. a machine that flies a plane by itself without the need for a pilot
    2. be on automatic pilot to do something without thinking about it, especially because you have done it many times before
  • co-pilot (noun)
    1. a pilot who shares the control of an aircraft with the main pilot
  • combat pilot (noun)
    1. military aeroplane pilot who fights in an action between two military forces
  • fighter pilot (noun)
    1. military a military or naval pilot of fighter planes
  • pilot balloon (noun)
    1. meteorological balloon used to observe air currents
  • pilot biscuit (noun)
    1. very hard unsalted biscuit or bread; a former ship's staple
  • pilot bit (noun)
    1. a small bit that drills a first hole to guide a larger drill
  • pilot blacksnake (noun)
    1. large harmless shiny black North American snake
  • More

word of the day

Pronunciation: ˈliːki
Parts of Speech: noun
born in 1944 son of Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey english palaeontologist who continued the work of his parents; he was appointed director of a wildlife preserve in Kenya but resigned under political pressure