
Definition: Meaning of, pile in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / pʌɪl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
pile piles
  1. arrangement of things [countable] a group of several things of the same type that are put on top of each other [=  stack]
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  2. large amount [countable] a large amount of something arranged in a shape that looks like a small hill
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  3. a pile of something also piles of something informal a lot of something
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  4. the bottom of the pile British English the weakest or least important position in a society or organization
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  5. the top of the pile British English the best or highest position in a society or organization
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  6. house [countable] a very large old house
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  7. material [uncountable and countable] the soft surface of short threads on a CARPET or some types of cloth
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  8. post [countable] technical a heavy wooden, stone, or metal post, used to support something heavy
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  9. make a/your pile informal to make a lot of money
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  10. piles [plural] painfully swollen BLOOD VESSEL s near a person's ANUS
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
pile piled piled
Present Participle Third Person Singular
piling piles
  1. [always + adverb/preposition] to fill a place or container or cover a surface with a large amount of things
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  2. also pile up to arrange things in a pile
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pile used in phrases

  • atomic pile (noun)
    1. a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy
  • compost pile (noun)
    1. a heap of manure and vegetation and other organic residues that are decaying to become compost
  • galvanic pile (noun)
    1. battery consisting of voltaic cells arranged in series; the earliest electric battery devised by Volta
  • junk pile (noun)
    1. an accumulation of refuse and discarded matter
  • pile driver (noun)
    1. a machine for pushing heavy posts into the ground
    2. British English informal a very hard hit
  • pile dwelling (noun)
    1. dwelling built on piles in or near a lake; specifically in prehistoric villages
  • pile-up (noun)
    1. a traffic accident involving many vehicles
  • sheath pile (noun)
    1. a pile in a row of piles driven side by side to retain earth or prevent seepage
  • sheet pile (noun)
    1. a pile in a row of piles driven side by side to retain earth or prevent seepage
  • trash pile (noun)
    1. an accumulation of refuse and discarded matter
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pile used in phrasal verbs

  • pile in (phrasal verb)
    1. to enter a place in large numbers, especially in a way that is not organized
  • pile into (phrasal verb)
    1. pile into something to get into a place or something such as a car, especially in large numbers or in a way that is not organized
  • pile on (phrasal verb)
    1. [intransitive] to increase something by a large amount, or to do it a lot
    2. [intransitive/transitive] pile on something if someone piles on weight, or if it piles on, their weight increases suddenly and by a large amount
  • pile out (phrasal verb)
    1. to leave a place in large numbers, especially in a way that is not organized
  • pile up (phrasal verb)
    1. [transitive] same as pile2 (sense 1)
    2. [intransitive/transitive] if something piles up, or if someone piles it up, the amount of it increases a lot
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