
Definition: Meaning of, pied in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / pʌɪd /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
[only before noun]
  1. used in the names of birds that are black and white
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pied used in phrases

  • Pied Piper (noun)
    1. the Pied Piper (of Hamelin) the main character in an old story about a man who got rid of all the rats from the town of Hamelin in Germany, by playing his FLUTE and making the rats follow him into the river and DROWN in it. When he was not paid for this job, the Pied Piper played his FLUTE again and led away all the town's children too.
    2. someone that other people like or admire, who attracts many followers
  • Pied Piper of Hamelin (noun)
    1. the title character in a German folk tale and in a poem by Robert Browning
  • pied lemming (noun)
    1. north American lemming having a white winter coat and some claws much enlarged
  • pied piper (noun)
    1. especially to their doom a leader who entices people to follow
  • pied-billed grebe (noun)
    1. american grebe having a black-banded whitish bill
  • pied-à-terre (noun)
    1. a small apartment or house, often in the centre of a city or town, that is not your main home but which you own and stay in sometimes
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