
Definition: Meaning of, petrel in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈpɛtr(ə)l /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
petrel petrels
  1. a black and white sea bird
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petrel used in phrases

  • diving petrel (noun)
    1. any of several small diving birds of southern hemisphere seas; somewhat resemble auks
  • fulmar petrel (noun)
    1. heavy short-tailed oceanic bird of polar regions
  • giant petrel (noun)
    1. large brownish petrel chiefly of Antarctic seas
  • northern storm petrel (noun)
    1. sooty black petrel with white markings; of the northern Atlantic and Mediterranean
  • storm petrel (noun)
    1. any of various small petrels having dark plumage with paler underparts
  • stormy petrel (noun)
    1. sooty black petrel with white markings; of the northern Atlantic and Mediterranean
  • white-chinned petrel (noun)
    1. large black petrel of southern seas having a white mark on the chin
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