
Definition: Meaning of, peg in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / pɛɡ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
peg pegs
  1. short stick a short piece of wood, metal, or plastic that is attached to a wall or fits into a hole, used especially to hang things on or to fasten things together
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  2. hanging wet clothes British English a small plastic or wooden object used to fasten wet clothes to a thin rope to dry ; =  clothespin AmE] [=  clothespeg]
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  3. tent a pointed piece of wood or metal that you push into the ground in order to keep a tent in the correct position
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  4. take/bring somebody down a peg (or two) to make someone realize that they are not as important or skilled as they think they are
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  5. musical instrument a wooden screw used to make the strings of a VIOLIN, GUITAR etc tighter or looser [=  tuning peg]
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  6. a peg to hang something on British English something that is used as a reason for doing, discussing, or believing something
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  7. drink British English old-fashioned a small amount of strong alcoholic drink, especially WHISKY or BRANDY
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
peg pegged pegged
Present Participle Third Person Singular
pegging pegs
  1. to set prices, wages etc at a particular level, or set them in relation to something else
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  2. to fasten something somewhere with a peg
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peg used in phrases

  • clothes peg (noun)
    1. a wooden or plastic object that you use to fasten wet clothes to a clothesline [=  clothespin American English]
  • mumble-the-peg (noun)
    1. a game in which players throw or flip a jackknife in various ways so that the knife sticks in the ground
  • mumblety-peg (noun)
    1. a game in which players throw or flip a jackknife in various ways so that the knife sticks in the ground
  • off-the-peg (adjective)
    1. off-the-peg clothes are made in standard sizes, not made especially to fit one person [↪  made-to-measure]
  • peg down (verb)
    1. fasten or secure with a wooden pin
    2. define clearly
  • peg leg (noun)
    1. an artificial leg, especially a wooden one
  • peg top (noun)
    1. a pear-shaped top made of wood with a metal centre pin
  • tent peg (noun)
    1. a peg driven into the ground to hold a rope supporting a tent
  • tuning peg (noun)
    1. a screw used for making the strings on a GUITAR etc tighter or looser
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peg used in phrasal verbs

  • peg away (phrasal verb)
    1. [intransitive] to keep doing something in a determined way, especially when it is boring or difficult
  • peg back (phrasal verb)
    1. economics to control something such as prices or salaries so that they do not increase above a particular level
    2. to prevent an opponent from winning in a game or competition
  • peg out (phrasal verb)
    1. [intransitive] informal to die
    2. [intransitive] informal to fall down or have to go to bed because you are so tired
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word of the day

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Parts of Speech: noun
astronomy a measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion; terrestrial time is mean solar time corrected for the irregularities of the Earth's motions