
Definition: Meaning of, parry in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈpari /

  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
parry parried parried
Present Participle Third Person Singular
parrying parries
  1. [intransitive and transitive] to defend yourself against someone who is attacking you by pushing their weapon or hand to one side [=  deflect]
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  2. [transitive] to avoid answering a question that is difficult to answer or that someone does not want to answer
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parry used in phrases

  • Parry manzanita (noun)
    1. erect treelike shrub forming dense thickets and having drooping panicles of white or pink flowers and red berrylike drupes; California
  • Parry's penstemon (noun)
    1. erect stems with pinkish-lavender flowers in long interrupted clusters; Arizona
  • Parry's pinyon (noun)
    1. sometimes three-needled or four-needled showing hybridization from Pinus californiarum five-needled piñon of southern California and northern Baja California having
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