
Definition: Meaning of, oxford in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɒksfəd /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
oxford oxfords
[American English]
  1. oxfords [plural] a type of leather shoes that fasten with SHOELACE s
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  2. [countable] a type of shirt made of thick cotton
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Definition: Meaning of, Oxford in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɒksfəd /

  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. a city on the Rivers Thames and Cherwell in Oxfordshire, southern England. It has many beautiful old buildings and is famous for its university
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  2. also Oxford University one of the two oldest and most respected universities in the UK, established in the 13th century. The university is made up of about 35 separate colleges, where the students live and also receive some of their teaching
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Oxford used in phrases

  • Oxford Circus
    1. the place in central London where REGENT STREET and OXFORD STREET cross, and also the name of the UNDERGROUND station there. It is one of the busiest places in London, and is always full of people going shopping.
  • Oxford English (noun)
    1. the dialect of English spoken at Oxford University and regarded by many as affected and pretentious
  • Oxford English Dictionary (noun)
    1. an unabridged dictionary constructed on historical principles
  • Oxford English Dictionary, the
    1. a very large dictionary of English, started in the 1880s, which is famous for its completeness and for its explanations of the origins of words and their history. It is available either as a book in several large VOLUME s, or as a CD-ROM .
  • Oxford Movement, the
    1. a group that was formed in Oxford in the mid-19th century, which tried to bring some of the ceremonies and beliefs of the Catholic religion into the Church of England
  • Oxford Street
    1. one of the main streets of central London, famous for its shops and for being very busy
  • Oxford University (noun)
    1. a university in England
  • Oxford blue (noun)
    1. colour a dark blue colour
  • Oxford movement (noun)
    1. 19th-century movement in the Church of England opposing liberal tendencies
  • oxford gray (noun)
    1. a very dark gray color
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