
Definition: Meaning of, operator in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɒpəreɪtə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
operator operators
  1. someone who works on a telephone SWITCHBOARD, who you can call for help
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  2. someone who operates a machine or piece of equipment
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  3. a person or company that operates a particular business
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  4. someone who is good at achieving things by persuading people to help or agree with them
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operator used in phrases

  • camera operator (noun)
    1. a photographer who operates a movie camera
  • company operator (noun)
    1. an operator who works for a company
  • elevator operator (noun)
    1. an operator of an elevator
  • existential operator (noun)
    1. a logical quantifier of a proposition that asserts the existence of at least one thing for which the proposition is true
  • identity operator (noun)
    1. an operator that leaves unchanged the element on which it operates
  • linear operator (noun)
    1. where f and g are functions f+g an operator that obeys the distributive law: A = Af + Ag
  • logical operator (noun)
    1. symbols used to form Boolean expressions with multiple conditions, using operators such as AND, NOT, and OR
  • newsstand operator (noun)
    1. someone who sells newspapers
  • operator gene (noun)
    1. a gene that activates the production of messenger RNA by adjacent structural genes
  • radio operator (noun)
    1. someone who operates a radio transmitter
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