number system

Definition: Meaning of, number system in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈnʌmbə ˈsɪstəm /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
number system number systems
  1. any notation for the representation of numbers
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number system used in phrases

  • binary number system (noun)
    1. a positional system of numeration that uses binary digits and a radix of two
  • decimal number system (noun)
    1. a positional system of numeration that uses decimal digits and a base of ten
  • duodecimal number system (noun)
    1. a positional system of numeration that uses duodecimal digits and a radix of twelve
  • hexadecimal number system (noun)
    1. a positional system of numeration that uses hexadecimal digits and a radix of sixteen
  • octal number system (noun)
    1. a positional system of numeration that uses octal digits and a radix of eight
  • sexadecimal number system (noun)
    1. a positional system of numeration that uses hexadecimal digits and a radix of sixteen
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