
Definition: Meaning of, never in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈnɛvə /

  • adverb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. not at any time, or not once
    1. During my entire career at this company, I never took a penny.
    2. He is never on time so how do you suppose he will be now.
  2. you never know spoken used to say that something which seems unlikely may happen
    1. It is sunny now but you never know it may rain anytime.
    2. She looks dull and unintelligent you never know she might be very smart.
  3. I never knew (that) spoken used to mean that you did not know something until now
    1. She looks American I never knew she is pure English.
    2. I never knew this place abounds with tigers and other wild creature.
  4. never so much as used to emphasize that someone did not do something, especially when this seems surprising
    1. I never so much as uttered a word and she still accused me of talking.
    2. “No one moves, never so much as a blink. If you do I’ll start shooting”. Said the robber.
    3. I never so much as took a sip still I got sick
  5. that would/will never do spoken used to say that you would not want something to happen
    1. Only a meter of cloth for this robe! That will never do.
    2. You are putting in an hour a day that will never do.
  6. never! British English spoken used when you are very surprised by something
    1. I have never been like this before.
    2. He offered me a beer and I thought to myself never in a million years am I sipping it.
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  7. (no) I never! British English spoken used to say that you did not do something bad that someone has said you did. Many teachers think this is not correct English
    1. My teacher looked at me and said, “have you stolen something from my desk”, surprised I said, “no never”
    2. Never in my whole life have I ever flunked in a subject and I am not about to now.
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  8. never say never informal used to say that you should not say that you will never do something, because there is always a small possibility that you might do it
    1. Justin Bieber song” never say never” topped the charts for weeks.
    2. When they injected the drugs in my body I thought to myself, never say never.
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  9. never say die used to encourage someone not to give up
    1. I felt I was about to pass out but my sister said, “never say die”.
    2. I read it somewhere “never say die” so I kept on trying and finally I passed.
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  10. never fear spoken old-fashioned used to tell someone not to worry
    1. Never fear the unknown most of it is just your imagination.
    2. Never fear what has not happened yet.
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never used in phrases

  • Never-Never (noun)
    1. the remote outback of Australia; unpopulated desert country
  • You'll Never Walk Alone
    1. a song from the MUSICAL (= a play that uses singing and dancing to tell a story) Carousel, by Richard RODGERS and Oscar HAMMERSTEIN . In the UK it is often sung at football games.
  • it never rains but it pours
    1. unfortunate events occur in quantity
  • never again (adverb)
    1. at no time hereafter
  • never mind (adverb)
    1. used to indicate that something is even less likely or appropriate than something previously mentioned
    never mind
    1. it does not matter
  • never-ending (adjective)
    1. seeming to continue for a very long time [=  endless]
  • never-never (noun)
    1. on the never-never British English old-fashioned informal if you buy something on the never-never, you buy it by making small regular payments over a long period [=  on hire purchase]
  • never-never land (noun)
    1. an imaginary place where everything is perfect
  • never-say-die (adjective)
    1. impossible to subdue
  • well I never
    1. used to express surprise
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