
Definition: Meaning of, nest in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / nɛst /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
nest nests
  1. birds a place made or chosen by a bird to lay its eggs in and to live in
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  2. insects/animals a place where insects or small animals live
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  3. leave/fly the nest to leave your parents' home and start living somewhere else when you are an adult
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  4. nest of spies/thieves/intrigue etc a place where people are secretly doing a lot of illegal or dishonest things
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  5. nest of tables/boxes etc a set of tables etc that fit inside each other
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
nest nested nested
Present Participle Third Person Singular
nesting nests
  1. [intransitive] to build or use a nest
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  2. [transitive] to organize information, especially in a computer program, so that some of the information is recognized as separate but is included or contained in a larger part of the information
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nest used in phrases

  • bird's nest (noun)
    1. nest where birds lay their eggs and hatch their young
  • bird's nest fern (noun)
    1. tropical Old World or Australian epiphytic fern frequently forming tufts in tree crotches
  • bird's-nest fungus (noun)
    1. any of various fungi of the family Nidulariaceae having a cup-shaped body containing several egg-shaped structure enclosing the spores
  • climbing bird's nest fern (noun)
    1. tropical Africa to Australasia and Polynesia
  • crow's nest (noun)
    1. a small box at the top of a ship's MAST from which someone can watch for danger, land etc
  • cuckoo's nest (noun)
    1. pejorative term for an insane asylum
  • feather one's nest (verb)
    1. enrich oneself by taking advantage of one's position
  • hornet's nest (noun)
    1. habitation for wasps or hornets
    2. a highly contentious or hazardous situation
  • love nest (noun)
    1. a place where two people who are having a romantic relationship live or meet each other - used humorously
  • mare's nest (noun)
    1. a confused multitude of things
  • More

word of the day

Pronunciation: ˈbɑːskɪt əʊk
Parts of Speech: noun
medium to large deciduous tree of the eastern United States; its durable wood is used as timber or split and woven into baskets or chair seats