
Definition: Meaning of, mutual in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmjuːtʃʊəl;ˈmjuːtʃ(ə)l /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. mutual feelings such as respect, trust, or hatred are feelings that two or more people have for each other [↪  reciprocal]
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  2. [only before noun] mutual support, help etc is support that two or more people give each other
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  3. mutual agreement/consent when two or more people both agree to something
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  4. mutual friend/interest a friend or interest that two people both have
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mutual used in phrases

  • coefficient of mutual induction (noun)
    1. a measure of the induction between two circuits; the ratio of the electromotive force in a circuit to the corresponding change of current in a neighbouring circuit; usually measured in henries
  • mutual admiration society (noun)
    1. informal a group of two or more people, in a workplace or other social environment, who routinely express considerable esteem and support for one another, sometimes to the point of exaggeration or pretence
  • mutual affection (noun)
    1. sympathy of each person for the other
  • mutual aid (noun)
    1. arrangements made between nations to assist each other
  • mutual conductance (noun)
    1. electronics the ratio of the change in output current to the change in input voltage across a circuit
  • mutual exclusiveness (noun)
    1. the relation between propositions that cannot both be true at the same time
  • mutual fund (noun)
    1. an arrangement managed by a company, in which you can buy SHARE s in many different businesses [=  unit trust British English]
  • mutual fund company (noun)
    1. a regulated investment company with a pool of assets that regularly sells and redeems its shares
  • mutual inductance (noun)
    1. a measure of the induction between two circuits; the ratio of the electromotive force in a circuit to the corresponding change of current in a neighbouring circuit; usually measured in henries
  • mutual induction (noun)
    1. generation of electromotive forces in each other by two adjacent circuits
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