
Definition: Meaning of, mortise in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɔːtɪs /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
mortise mortises
mortice [countable]
  1. technical a hole cut in a piece of wood or stone so that the shaped end of another piece will fit there firmly [↪  tenon]
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mortise used in phrases

  • mortise joint (noun)
    1. the joint connecting the foot with the leg
    2. a joint made by inserting tenon on one piece into mortise holes in the other
  • mortise lock (noun)
    1. a strong lock that fits into a hole cut in the edge of a door [=  dead bolt American English]
  • mortise-and-tenon joint (noun)
    1. a joint made by inserting tenon on one piece into mortise holes in the other
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